STI Facts
Sexually Transmissible Infection (STI)
A Sexually Transmissible Infection (STI) is a disease which can be passed on from one person to another during sexual contact. If you are sexually active it is important that you Talk, Test & Treat to protect your health.
A Sexually Transmissible Infection (STI) is a disease which can be passed on from one person to another during sexual contact. If you are sexually active it is important that you Talk, Test & Treat to protect your health.
About 16% of people will report having an STI in their lifetime. That’s one in six people in Australia! We’ve seen rising rates of STI infections in our communities, particularly with chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis.
Types of STIs
- There are many different STIs – including chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis and HIV.
- The last decade has seen record increases in STIs, particularly chlamydia, gonorrhoea and syphilis, in Victoria and across Australia.
- People between 18-30 years account for the largest number of gonorrhoea and chlamydia cases compared with other age groups.

What are the most common STI’s?
- Chlamydia
- Genital warts and HPV
- Herpes (cold sores)
- Gonorrhoea
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis A and B
More here:
- Female symptoms, when they occur, can include vaginal itching, rashes, changes in urination, unusual discharge and abdominal and/or pelvic pain.
- Male symptoms when they occur, can include discharge from the penis, burning sensation when urinating, pain in the testicles, rectal pain and bleeding.
- You might not have any symptoms, but you still need to get tested to be sure.
- For more information on STIs, their symptoms, and where to get tested, visit
- Condoms and dental dams help you and your partner(s) reduce the risk of getting and passing on STIs.
- But condoms do not protect against all STIs, that’s why it is important to have regular STI tests

Privacy and Confidentiality:
- GPs are a good place to request STI tests. They are confidential.
- Your sexual health information is private and confidential.
- In Australia your doctor keeps your medical information private & confidential.
Interpreter Services:
If you don’t speak English,
- Ask your doctor for an interpreter service
- Interpreters keep your information confidential
- Call 131 450 for interpreter services
- This symbol suggests that there is an interpreter service available